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Bachelor and Master Theses
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What is Hyperloop?
The Hyperloop, a new mode of transportation, is an emerging concept for mid- to long-distance travels as a carbon-free alternative to airplanes and as a complement to the railway network. This plan serves to both preserve investments already made and planned, as well as unlock the full economic and social development of areas not yet served by premium modes of transportation. The Hyperloop is a rail-bound mode of transport that operates magnetically levitating vehicles running at sonic speed within a low-pressure tube. Such a concept is set to rely exclusively on renewable sources like solar energy also leveraging the extension of the linear infrastructure as a whole. This concept is the key to long-distance sustainable transport and a major contributor to achieve the GHG reduction target set by the EC for 2030 and 2050.
Our Missions
Largest Full-Scale Hyperloop Research Infrastructure
We are aiming to refurbish the 31.5 km MagLev Test facility in Lathen, Germany, to become a large-scale European Hyperloop Test Facility. The IHT is working on creating the largest full-scale Hyperloop research infrastructure for testing continuous operation. With an open network of European researchers, we want to develop a standardized system for Europe.
You will find more information here.
Having started with the Team HyperPodX competing in the Hyperloop Pod Competitions we are now focussing our engagement on academic research to create a European Hyperloop solution with the help of academia and industry.
You will find more informatio here.
European Network
We are determined to bring Hyperloop researchers and companies in Europe together and advance the technology to develop a European standard.

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