Conference Contributions


15th-18th April, 2024- Transport Research Arena (TRA) Dublin, Ireland Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility
5th-7th February, 2024- 7th European Conference on Results from Research Projects on Road Transport (RTR Conference) Brussels, Belgium
14th March, 2024- IHK East frisia and Papenburg-Traffic Committee Emden, Germany


Hyperloop – Chancen in der Logistik 

LinkedIn post

Hyperloop and its opportunities as a sustainable transport mode 


5th December, 2023- German-Dutch lecture series "Border Contacts"


Hyperloop Mobilität der Zukunft 

LinkedIn post

Hyperloop and its opportunities as a sustainable transport mode 

29th November, 2023- Chamber of Commerce and Industry IHK Vollversammlung (general assembly)


Introduction to HDP- IHK Papenburg Ostfriesland Konzept 

23rd November,2023-Panel discussion “Future Mobility Prospects” Institute of Physics (IoP) and German Physical Society (DPG) Online

Online Presentation

Future Mobility Prospects  

18th-22nd October, 2023- 23rd International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (Relstat-2023) Riga, Latvia Digital Twins: From Development to Application
15th –29 th September, 2023 Hannover Messewoche - Trade fair week Hannover, Germany
17th-23rd July, 2023- European Hyperloop Week Edinburgh, Scotland




13th- 15th June, 2023- 9th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) Athens, Greece Expanding the Logistics Scope
11th May, 2023- 15th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität Duisburg, Germany Next Chapter in Mobility
14th-16th February, 2023 Road transport research Conference (RTR) Brussel, Belgium


14th-17th November, 2022- Transport Research Arena (TRA) Lisbon, Portugal
11th November, 2022- Balance Technology Conference


Hyperloop Technology for Sustainable Transportation 

7th November, 2022- 2nd European Hyperloop Symposium Brussel, Belgium



Hyperloop – Saving our Climate

European Hyperloop Research and Technology Center (EUHyTec) 

Heading towards a climate neutral Europe 

LinkedIn post

IHT’s 2nd European Hyperloop Symposium in Brussels 

IHT’s Hyperloop Technology Event in Brussels 

Press release

Press release 07.11.2022: Mit Know-how aus Europa die Mobilität der Zukunft revolutionieren Hyperloop Symposium 

Press release 07.11.2022: Revolutionizing the mobility of the future with know-how form Europe 

26th Ooctober, 2022- Aerospace Innovation Days Berlin, Germany


Hyperloop Technology 

19th-22nd October, 2022- 22nd International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-2022) Riga, Latvia Artificial Intelligence in Transportation
4th July, 2022- Netzwerk für Metall- und Maschinenbau (MEMA) Emden, Germany


Hyperloop – Next Generation Logistics 

16th June, 2022- ePIcenter Annual Conference Antwerpen, Belgium


Hyperloop – Next Generation Logistics 

LinkedIn post

ePIcenter annual Conference 2022 in Antwerpen

13th June, 2022- 14th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität Duisburg, Germany Towards the New Normal in Mobility
12th May, 2022- Forschungsforum Emden, Germany


Von fliegenden Zügen und rotierenden Segeln

What else was going on in the IHT that year 2022?

Press release

Press release 05.11.2022: NWZ Erfüllte Träume und Zukunftspläne


23rd November, 2021- ePIcenter Community Forum - Hyperloop: Next generation logistics
16th-17th November, 2021- Forum Produktion & IT Lingen, Germany
1st April, 2021- 13th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität Duisburg, Germany Transforming Mobility - What Next?
1st-2nd March, 2021- 1st International Conference on Ultra-High-Speed Transportation Munich, Germany
23rd February, 2021- Conference Series on Europen Hyperloop Technology Webinar Development of a Large-Scale Research Infrastructure (Host IHT)


Industry aspects on Hyperloop System Engineering – Mars Geuze, Hardt Hyperloop

Research-Based Learning – Prof. Dr. Walter Neu & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schüning, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer & Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Technological Development in Large-Scale Research Infrastructures – Dr. Ralf Effenberger, INTIS GmbH

Horizon Europe ESFRI Process – B.Eng. Lukas Eschment, Institute of Hyperloop Technology

Upcoming Calls Horizon Europe – Anna Benjamins & Tim Schouwer, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer

Linking Hyperloop vision with Railway Infrastructure – Milan Chromic, Nevomo

A non-profit approach to Hyperloop – Gregory Inauen, EuroTube Foundation

Presentation Q&A

Industry aspects on Hyperloop System Engineering – Mars Geuze, Hardt Hyperloop

Research Based Learning – Prof. Dr. Walter Neu & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schüning, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer & Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Technological Development in Large-Scale Research Infrastructures – Dr. Ralf Effenberger, INTIS GmbH

Upcoming Calls Horizon Europe – Anna Benjamins & Tim Schouwer, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer

Press release

Press Release 25.02.2021: Hochschule Emden /Leer Gemeinsam die Mobilität in Europa voranbringen

Press release 24.02.2021: Deutschlandfunk Projekt Hyperloop – Rohrpost für Passagiere

Press release 23.02.2021: Süddeutsche Zeitung – Hyperloop: Hochschulen haben Interesse an Transrapidstrecke 


17th June, 2020 - Kick off Meeting ePicenter WP3


WP3 – Artificial Intelligence & eIGEN Optimisation introductions 

Press release

Press release 14. Juli 2020: Das Entscheider Briefing für den Mobilitäts & Transportsektor

Press release 19.06.2020: Emder Zeitung – Nächste Projektstufe beim Hyperloop 

Press release 11.02.2020: Ems Zeitung: Wie realistisch ist ein Testzentrum für „Röhrenzug“ Hyperloop in Lathen?

Press release 03.01.2020: Emder Zeitung – Der Hyperloop wird immer realer